Monday, September 3, 2012

"P is for the Portland Library"

"P is for the Portland Library"

Sorry guys- we couldn't find the pictures that we took of Portland Library :-(! You won't be able to see how cool this library is but I bet if I describe it well you can imagine it in your own mind.  Here goes...

The Portland Library's teen section was directly next to the children's section. The teen section had a great selection of great graphic novels (one of which we checked out). There was also a wide selection of books and places to sit. There were around 3 computers in each section and the children's section had a whole shelf, right in front,  full of all the Nutmeg nominees for 2013- hooray! 

This library has it's own monthly newsletter called "Check It Out!". Here is a link to it:
Check It Out 

There were 3 summer reading programs going on at the Portland Library. One for adults called Between the Covers, one for teens titled Own the Night and lastly one for children, along the same theme as those we've visited state-wide.

The library's layout was excellent- all on one floor, with the librarian's desk right in the center.  There was an abundance of natural light, and floor-to-ceiling windows ringed the perimeter.  This library has committed to going solar, which makes it a hit in our book!

This library was fantastic and we can't wait to check out the Q library- Quinnipiac University!

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