Monday, July 2, 2012

"C" if for Creativity!

"C is for Creativity!"(and further down, "C is for Cheshire Public Library":-)

I have always been attracted to art supplies.  All kinds of art supplies.  It doesn't matter what type of medium- clay, oil paint, pastels, ink, or even just plain old crayons or markers- I just like 'em all! I have never met an art supply store that I haven't loved, and I rarely leave one empty-handed.  Perhaps it's the organization of all of those little tubes and tins of color, all laid out perfectly in their monochromic scales, like a brand new box of 64 crayons WITH the built in sharpener? I'm not sure what it is about art supplies exactly, but whatever "it" is instantly turns me into a delusional sucker.  

You'll notice that I did not say that I have any ability whatsoever to utilize these materials (I got the "wordy" gene; my brother has the "artsy" gene ;-)- I am simply and utterly infatuated with the promise these supplies give of masterpieces waiting to be created.  And (here comes the "delusional sucker" part) these materials in their pristine state trick me into thinking that if I take them home, then I CAN create some really cool stuff! This happens ALL the time with various supplies- Watch out for the cross-stitch stuff- that stuff REALLY lures ya in- it's like the "crack" of craft supplies- all of those colors, whole bunches of pretty thread- for CHEAP!  Before you know it, you'll have amassed entire baggies of the stuff (promises, promises) that you'll intend to create all kinds of..."cross stitchery" with, and it'll end as it always the bag in which it was purchased, in the basement (or maybe I'm the only one who does this?  C'mon, I can't be!!).

O.k., so  here's what's happened recently (it all starts so innocently):

I was browsing in my favorite East Coast bookstore (another shout out to RJ Julia!) and my son was cozily curled up in a window seat reading one of a bajillion Star Wars books he had amassed in a pile beside him.  I decided that "the force" would keep him occupied for quite a while so that I could venture into the travel memoir section (Parisian travel memoirs are my current literary drug of choice).  Well, I stumbled on a book that was such a TOTALLY awesome combination of art, intelligence, adventure, and dry wit, that I just HAD to buy it!  This book was so up-my-alley, that I embarrassingly referred to it as "delicious"- on three different occasions! 

First, when I brought it up to the cash register (where a very cute, very young employee heard me gush over it ("delicious"!)and then said, "You really think this is great?  O.k., perfect!  I need to get my mom a birthday gift- she's turning 50 today- she'll probably like it, too!" Whatever, Sunshine.  Don't ruin my book buy high by reminding me that I'm not far behind your mom in age- just ring me out). 

 The next time I called it "delicious" was when I brought it to school to share it with my second-graders as my "Show and Tell".  They thought my description was hilarious- how can a book be "delicious"??? Oh boys and girls, where do I start???  I launched into an explanation that they either totally bought into (because they were riveted by my explanation) OR they thought I was completely bonkers (and sat in frightened silence hoping I'd be done soon and we could get on with morning snack).  I'm pretty convinced it was choice "b"!

Finally, the third time I referred to this book as I would an almond croissant (delicious!) was when I e-mailed the author, Vivian Swift, to ask her about her drawing and painting technique.
Folks, I am proud to say that the author REALLY got me (or at least I think she did; it's hard to see someone get that wary "I think she's nuts" look over e-mail)!  She was flattered (and not frightened) enough by my weird compliment, that she was not only sweet enough to send a great e-mail reply, but she dedicated an entire blog post to answering my question!  It's quite lengthy (but written in her fabulously conversational style); however, if you'd like to check it out, click here.

So, I loved Vivian's latest book so much, that I ordered her previous one from amazon that same day:

Equally awesome, but I didn't call it "delicious", simply because it is the opposite of a travel memoir (a "stay at home" memoir); but still fabulous writing and amazing art!

From here, I started down a VERY slippery slope...I decided I wanted (and still want!) to try drawing...and painting...Folks this is HUGELY dangerous territory- now, I am buying BOOKS (favorite indulgence) AND art supplies (despite all of their broken promises, I always go back for more!).

Through amazon's helpful "you might like" recommendations (they are book dealers, peddlers, PUSHERS these guys!), I discovered Danny Gregory- an edgier, darker artist and author (although authors are artists, aren't they!).  He uses the same medium, but with a very different style.   Because of all Danny's been through over the past decade or so (check out more of his story here), he's been especially motivated to share his thoughts on creativity and how it is an essential part of life to find a creative outlet for yourself- one that fits comfortably.  I've been reading two of his books:

They're inspiring and reassuring- a great combination by a teacher and for a teacher!  So I thought I'd give this drawing and painting thing a go.   Here are my supplies:
Gorgeous, aren't they?? Just like Vivian Swift's!  I love a new box of paints....wait, I have to PAINT now???

Here's the "art" so far in my special water color journal (I'm telling you guys, I've got it BAD!) Pretty, right?

So here's the great thing about being a teacher at the beginning of summer (o.k., ONE great thing, because at the beginning of summer, there are A LOT):

I get to treat this like New Year's!  I'm able to make these summertime resolutions, because I have (supposedly- I haven't found it yet ;-) more time on my hands, and fewer "must do's".  So this summer, I plan on really trying to mess up this pristine box of paints with a try- to stretch myself beyond "appreciator" and move to "creator" (oh, that sounds irreverent- sorry!).   I'm going to need some discipline here... I think I'll procrastinate on the "discipline" post until tomorrow- just for the irony!!!! :-)


 "C is also for the Cheshire Public Library"

Today my mom, brother, and I went to the Cheshire Public Library. We discovered that much like the Avon Library,  the Cheshire Library is in the middle of an extended renovation project. They are also similar to the Avon Library in that they have a teen room that is separate from the rest of the children's section but still can be supervised by librarians. The library has a  summer reading program and kids can work towards earning t-shirts with the library's logo which is the Cheshire Cat.

In the nonfiction section there is a borrowing limit of no more than 4 books so that others can still take out books. I thought this was a great idea. When you have picked out a book to take home with you, the library has a great self-checkout system. I had an excellent time at the Cheshire Public Library and I can't wait to go to Deep-River tomorrow.I wonder if that library might have a real cat?  I'm hoping to discover one in a library soon- that'd be great!
The stairs leading up to the main level of the library.

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