Sunday, April 22, 2012

S is for "SERIOUSLY????"

 S is for "SERIOUSLY????"

So the other day, I mentioned that I was writing my posts on a tiny netbook (my backup computer) on a tiny table, while drinking a tiny cup of coffee and borrowing the wireless signal from Barnes and Noble. I wrote the next day's post on a the same tiny netbook, on a slightly larger table, in the hospital cafeteria while my husband had surgery (surgery wonderfully uneventful- husband home and crabby, which means all is back to normal ;-).  I am happy to report that my home's technological mutiny has been squelched...I think (I'm never sure about anything technological).  I fixed the DSL (lots of inhaled dust and exhaled expletives), and purchased a new computer.  I am currently in the middle of crossing the cultural divide between PC and Mac.  I remain somewhere in the middle of the two camps; however, I have to say that the Mac camp is much better-looking, right down to the presentation of the instruction manual.  Though I must confess that the uber-cool, indie vibe evaporated a bit when my dad and I attempted to try and link the new Mac to my wireless printer.  I consulted the sleek and friendly (it even says "Hello" on the front!) manual, and the word "printer" wasn't even in the index.  "Well dad, I guess printing's only for uptight PC people, huh?" ;-) 

So, today's post.  I chose S is for "seriously" for two reasons, first, it's one of my favorite responses to the increased craziness that the world seems to dish out in the form of bureaucratic red tape, and apathetic employees of various stores.  Case in point?  When my daughter was young enough to still ride in a carriage, but old enough to repeat everything she heard, I was shopping with her in a local discount pharmacy/grocery-type store.  A store employee walked by, in the midst of a rant (wearing her "May I help you?" badge and all!), cursing a loud blue streak, dropping f-bombs all over the place.  My daughter's face lit up with the potential for acquiring new words to use in a fit of temper.  I, on the other hand, was appalled!  I mentioned it to the store manager, who responded with a shoulder shrug, and said, "She's probably having a bad day."  SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?  I am a teacher- annoying stuff happens all the time, and I'd never even utter the word "crap" under my breath!  I figured this must be an employee-culture thing, isolated to this particular store, so (in my "Superhero- saving the planet for all little kids" mode), I called the regional manager.  His response, "Well ma'am, perhaps she was having a bad day."  SERIOUSLY??? By the way, my daughter is almost 12, and I still consider that store to be PG-13; I haven't brought the kids there since ;-).  Another example?  When I called our insurance company about my son's glasses, and they said, "Ma'am, we don't cover glasses just because someone can't see."  SERIOUSLY???  Four years later (and thousands of dollars in glasses),  that still cracks me up.  Seriously.

My second reason for choosing "Seriously??" as today's topic, is that as parents, sometimes we take ourselves a little too much so.  We often forget to lighten up and laugh at ourselves and our mistakes.  We become hyper-sensitive and often over-analyze things that should've received a mere "Pfft!" in the first place.  

Don't get me wrong- I think parenting is the most important job there is, and should be undertaken with a lot more thought than it sometimes is; but if we take that job TOO seriously, we can create wreckage, too. 

Now, my uber-liberal friends, (seriously, please don't take this too seriously), but you can sometimes take yourselves a bit too seriously ;-).  I'm allowed to say this because I am often guilty of the same thing!  My family and I belong to a super-liberal church.  We love it- its social justice component, its inclusive nature, its diverse membership, its fantastic religious education program for children, and its simple yet gorgeous architectural features (must've been designed by a "Mac" person;-).  That being said, I have noticed that sometimes, the super-open minded can become borderline judgmental when it comes to the level of  intellectual prowess and/or political-correctness that others in the conversation are exhibiting.  I sometimes feel if I were to ever "come clean" about my reality-TV viewing, or the fact that I own Molly Ringwald's book Getting the Pretty Back (seriously), or that I really dig hip hop music (sometimes with questionable lyrics) that I might be on the receiving end of lots of sighs and head-shaking.  Does this bother me?  A little.  But not for long- I have to laugh that even someone like me- the perennial "good girl" can make folks gasp- especially the uber-liberal!

Are you getting what I'm trying to say?  That extreme anything can cause you to say, "SERIOUSLY???"- even being so open minded that you inadvertently become a little close-minded!  So, if your child gets in trouble at school for something minor (yet embarrasses you nonetheless), or if people don't realize that you really are "together" and just seem slightly kooky (maybe this just happens to me?), or if your child eats something inorganic or with high fructose corn syrup on occasion- don't take it too seriously.  Remain vigilant, but realize when to let something go by the boards.  Laugh at the ridiculousness the universe sends your way in its various forms.  You'll live longer and grow more tolerant in the process.  Seriously!!!

By the way, I was going to do "S is for SPIRITUALITY" today, but thought it might be too serious ;-)!

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