Sunday, April 29, 2012



The LITTLE GUY is 8 today!- Artwork by the Birthday Boy


What I'm about to share is so cliche, but there are reasons that cliches evolve- they're often succinct nuggets of truth!  So, when I say "years pass quickly" or "kids grow up so fast", I suppose I'm not being trite- just really accurate ;-).
Today is my son's 8th birthday.  I absolutely cannot believe it!  As a mom, I must admit that I'm having a bit of a tough time with this one.  He hasn't realized it yet (thank goodness!), but he's on the cusp of what is the "tween" stage for boys (is there a more boyish version of "tween"?  There HAS to be super cool word for that, a new buzzword we can coin, right here on "Purposeful Parenting: It's Elementary"...I'm going to work on that throughout the day...;-).  To the untrained eye, he seems like he's still "little"- he's still wearing many size 6/7 clothes, he wants regular snuggles, and still holds my hand and gives me kisses and hugs in relatively public situations.  

But full-on "big boyhood" is lurking.  While at a recent school event, I reached for his hand in the crowded cafeteria.  I got the "make hand limp, and twist and wriggle free" move. He hissed, "MOM! My friends are here!"   So, the shadow hovers!

There's something about the youngest one getting to this point that's just so final.  I now see how those youngest kids can get a bit spoiled...moms of the world, I feel your pain, and do not fault you for your actions ;-)!  It is taking every fiber of my being to make him toe the line as his sister had to at his age.  But it's hard.  Really hard.  As much as I am proud of all he can do as he grows, I simultaneously mourn all the "little boy" stuff that goes by the boards in order to create space for this growth. I plan on really cherishing every single one of those snuggles for as long as I can!  For now, here's a comparison from last year to this-it's flown by... I need to get going and celebrate with my little/big boy!

7th Birthday 04/29/11

HE'S 8!!! PARTY ON!!! 04/29/12

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