Monday, April 30, 2012

Z is for ZAPPOS???

Z is for...Zappos???

So here we are at the final day of the Blogging A-Z April challenge!  Check out the sign language character for "Z" - I think it's the coolest one of all!  Get out your pointer finger and give it a try...if you keep the motion tight, it has a very "Mon says NO" feel.  If you make it loose and a little bigger, it feels more like, "oh no she DIDN'T!" ;-) Anyway, I digress...

So why did I choose "Z is for Zappos" for the final post if this challenge?  Is it because I really dig shoes?  Because they want me to advertise for them? Nah.  With feet like Fred Flinstone's, I can only squeeze my feel into the most utilitarian of shoes- no shoe-lust for me!  Rather, I chose to use Zappos for my "Z" because as I was cruising through their website one day, I decided to give their "Core Values" a read.  Guess what?? They'd make GREAT core values for any family- not just for a Fortune 500 Internet Shoe/Fashion Empire!

Check 'em out:
1. Deliver Wow Through Service *
2. Embrace and Drive Change
3. Create Fun and a Little Weirdness
4. Be Adventurous, Creative and Open-Minded
5. Pursue Growth and Learning
6. Build Open and Honest Relationships with Communication
7. Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit
8. Do More with Less
9. Be Passionate and Determined
10. Be Humble

*service to family and community, for our purposes :-)

So, you can see how they work for Zappos, but go back and take another look; how would your family look if you decided to apply these core values to your own family's mission?  My guess is it'd be pretty awesome!

So, as we reach the end of the April challenge, I prefer to view it as a "transition".  Purposeful Parenting- It's Elementary was started during this challenge; however it most certainly won't end with it!  My plan is to head back to "A" in a few days, and start all over again!  I won't maintain the flat-out pace of the challenge, but I will be posting regularly.  I look forward to continuing my growth as a writer, and locating more terrific parenting resources and nuggets of wisdom to share with you.

By the way, check out the new "Reading tip of the Day" widget I've installed in the right margin from Reading Rockets- they've got some great ideas!

Upcoming topics I'll be exploring?  Electronics and Kids, Helicopter Parents, Not My Kid, Enrichment Activities, Healthy foods, Sibling Relationships, Cultural Pursuits, Preventing Summer Slide, and MORE!


  1. Those are great values. Thanks for posting them. And congratulations on completing the challenge!

    1. Thanks, Jenny! Congratulations to you, too! Love your Choice City posts, especially the one about walking your kids to school. Thanks so much for reading!
