Monday, April 23, 2012

U is for Unusually Great Read Aloud books for Families


The weather is getting warmer and drier, which means perfect nights for the screen porch!  There's no simpler pleasure I enjoy more than sitting with my kids on our screen porch at dusk, watching the fireflies come out, and sharing a chapter book together.  If we happen to also be having ice cream, that's even better!

Reading aloud to our children, even once they've become proficient readers is so important! First and foremost, it's a way to "walk your talk" with your children, by demonstrating that you believe literacy is important.  Second, when listening to books being read aloud, children are exposed to much richer and complex language than they are able to read independently.  This is a chance for them to develop their vocabulary and knowledge of literary devices.  Third, children develop their "visualizing" skills when hearing books read aloud.  They construct meaning from the words they are hearing and the images being generated in their minds while they're listening.  Finally, you're spending screen-free time together as a family, and creating a memory with your children.  Years from now, they'll gravitate towards the books you read aloud with them, and hopefully share them with their own children!

I want to be sure to mention that I have had tremendous good luck with all of the books I've purchased through the Chinaberry catalog.  Their recommendations have always been spot-on, and I've never been sorry with a book purchase I've made through their catalog or website.  As a matter of fact, I'm such a fan, that I dragged my family to their headquarters in Spring Valley, California when we were there last winter.  The folks there were wonderful!  We purchased a few things at the outlet store, and the clerk sent me away ( that I think about it, was she trying to get rid of me...;-) with a pile of books for my classroom.  They're terrific!  I highly recommend the catalog, and if you're ever in Spring Valley, pay them a visit!
Click the words "Chinaberry catalog" in the paragraph above to visit their website :-).

Between the books I've shared with my own children and the books I've shared with my class, I've assembled a collection of favorite read aloud books.  You can view them on my "shelfari" shelf below,  I'm not advertising for amazon; in fact, I'd love it if you visited your local library to borrow a copy of any that strike your fancy!  These are some of my family's favorites, and also some favorites of classes I've taught over the years.  I look forward to adding more.  As always, to my local friends, I'm happy to loan any that strike your fancy!  Choose one, grab your kids, find a comfy, breezy place to sit, and enjoy! 

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